ISOPE Abstracts accepted
An improved two-phase Lattice Boltzmann model for high fluid density ratios: application to wave breaking
Amir Banari, Christian F. Janßen, Stéphan T. Grilli
Dept. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, USA.
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of air-sea interaction with a coupled LB-point-particle approach
Yackar Mauzole, Christian F. Janßen, Stephan T. Grilli, Tetsu Hara
University of Rhode Island, USA.
Numerical simulation of long wave propagation and run-up using a Lattice Boltzmann approach on GPGPU hardware
Christian F. Janßen, Stéphan T. Grilli
Dept. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, USA.
Manfred Krafczyk
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.